Train with Elite
Jazz is an exciting and ever evolving dance form full of rhythm, syncopation, passion and life. Steeped in the rhythm of jazz music, a true American art form, jazz dance brings energy and life to all those who dance it. Classes explore body isolations of the head, shoulders, ribcage, feet and arms and encourage individual expression and the development of personal style. Jazz can be powerful and percussive or expressive and lyrical. Ever evolving, jazz dance is taught with the music of today together with the classical jazz of yesterday.
Lyrical is a contemporary dance form that has its roots in Jazz. The movement vocabulary and range of motion used is endless and creative and draws on each student’s personal expression. Classes may include improvisation and creative exercises. This hour focuses on teaching dancers about creative expression. Our teachers achieve this by instructing students to tell the story of a piece of music through their movements. EDC recommends thisclass be taken in conjunction with a Ballet and Jazz class.
Contemporary combines an eclectic yet accessible mix of Modern, Lyrical and Jazz. Your instructor will guide you in exercises to develop posture, line, articulation and coordination with a strong focus on imagery and dynamics. Original choreography will assist the dancer in realizing the potential of these techniques in motion. This class is challenging but relaxed with an emphasis on expression and fun. Contemporary will inspire you to find your own style of motion and enable what dance is designed to support…your expression.
This class will concentrate on the technical aspects of leaping, jumping and turning by teaching a series of jumps, leaps and turns, weight and direction changes. The student develops balance, strength, elevation and body alignment. Must be enrolled in Jazz & Ballet.
Tap classes focus on rhythms and intricate footwork, creating a percussion instrument out of the dancer’s feet. Tap is a syncopated movement dance style that is exhilarating and great fun for all ages.
Each ballet class consists entirely of technique and is partitioned into barre work, port de bras, center barre, adagio, and allegro. Children spend approximately thirty minutes of each class at the barre in order to acquire the strength, balance, and placement necessary to execute center work correctly. Ballet is the foundation from which all forms of dance originate. Therefore, our staff recommends that all students take ballet to ensure proper technique and form.
Acrobatic classes incorporate tumbling, Rhythmic gymnastics, stretching and strengthening and are divided by age and level. Acro is not the typical tumbling or gymnastics class. This class is great for students looking to enhance their agility, flexibility, & strength.
Hip Hop has many individualized styles and new moves are continuously being invented by creative and innovative visionaries who mix the Old School Styles with current trends. The blending of music styles and dance moves influenced by many factors which are then personalized by a choreographer, makes it impossible to define Funk and Hip Hop styles unambiguously.
This class is encouraged to be taken by all dancers to
enhance their technique by building strength, stamina, and athleticism. Workouts performed in this class will focus on all muscle groups used in dance. Every week our instructors will target a specific muscle group specific to new skills being learned throughout the week.
This class will focus on dancers flexibility, improving their range of motion. Flexibility is a key component in all genres of dance.